Under2k has been Acquired!

Here are next steps

Hey all,

I have talked with a few people these past weeks about acquiring under 2k. We finally closed the deal last night.

Don’t worry—you are in good hands, I was a long-time subscriber to his newsletter before this.

I have sold to Jaisal as he bought tiny startups and a few other cool sites that I think are a perfect fit for this community.

Jaisal has a core community I know you all will fit right into.

Who is Jaisal?

He’s a serial founder with 9x successful exits under his belt, and he's now building a portfolio of Tiny Startups.

Jaisal runs Buy Sell Startups, a free marketplace + newsletter to discover the best tiny startups for sale. He's also the founder of Tiny Startups and Insanely Cool Tools.

So what can you expect next?

Instead of my regular emails for Under2k -- you'll receive Jaisal's weekly newsletters every Wednesday and Thursday. 

I'm super excited for you, and I 100% believe that you'll love his content.

You can expect to hear from him very soon where he’ll share an update of his own along with his plans!

What does this mean for me?

Well, I’ll continue lurking on X and will focus on what made me my real money online… blogs and simple tools.

Plus I got 3 kids under 2 years old. I need to not have schedules because every day is something new 😆 
