Under2k: Issue #12

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Another Week… Another action-packed issue.

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make sure to read to the end and check out the new section.

EverydayGuide | Auction current bid ($405)- 15 year + site, 22 year domain.

Wearable in Ear | auction Active keywords

Radio Finds | Price: $1,050 | Lifetime Earnings: $93

Hiking Suggests | Price: $847 | Lifetime Earnings: $320

If you have a project you want to sell and are selling it for under $2,000. Fill out this form to be featured in our next issue.

This section will be all previous weeks that are still able to be purchased.

BrakesFever | Price $820 | Lifetime Earnings: $180

VanWyse | Price: $840 | Lifetime Earnings: $11

Retromiyoo | Current Bid: $1,350 | Earned 13k first month

Wi-Fi Creator Life | Price: $1900 | Newsletter with no revenue.

AI Productivity Chrome Extension | Price: $920 | ARR: $230

Cannix | Price: $2,000 | ARR: $? - tool for agencies

AnnouceCraft | Price: $1,000

TerrainPassion | Price: $830 | Lifetime Earnings: $11

SubwooferGenius | Price: $1,800 | Lifetime Earnings: $1,496

PawsomeTips | Price: $850 | Lifetime Earnings: $22

GeneratorInspect | Price: $850 | Lifetime Earnings: $22

useaiblog | Asking - $2,000 | MRR - $205

Codexplainer | $2,000 | Explains code easily

Recal Pal - $2,000 - Apple App - A Tracking app that will tell you when the FDA recalls something. Perfect for anyone in the family/health sector. Can easily upsell your readers to use this app.

Remote Jobs Board - $2,000 - An automated jobs board blog.

Simply Miniatures - $400 - Blog about creating miniature content with over 50 posts.

Mailhook.live - $1,150 - Receive emails in JSON format and connect them to your automation in Zapier or existing workflows.

Img to Meme - $1,800 - 2,000 + Registered users

Immersive Seat | $450 - Domain name Immersive Seats, also referred to as motion seats or simulation seats, are specialized chairs specifically designed to enhance the immersive experience by synchronously moving and vibrating with media content. New

NocodeService.com | Domain name for sale $300. Good for anyone doing no code projects

Micro-Businesses.com | $450 | Possible uses: An online platform for micro-businesses. A micro-business blog or newsletter. A micro-business directory. Hit Reply for Contact Information

MicroDigitalAssets.com | $450 | Possible uses: An online platform for micro digital assets. A digital assets blog or newsletter. A digital assets directory. Hit Reply for Contact Information

microSaaSguide.com | $450 | Possible uses: An online platform for micro SaaS. A micro SaaS blog or newsletter. A micro SaaS directory. Hit Reply for Contact Information

microSaaS.club | $450 | Possible uses: A community for micro SaaS. A course on micro SaaS. A micro SaaS blog or newsletter. A micro SaaS directory. Hit Reply for Contact Information

 microSaaS.wtf |$450 | Possible uses: A blog or newsletter on micro SaaS. A micro SaaS directory. Hit Reply for Contact Information

newsletters.wtf | $450| Possible uses: An online platform for newsletters. A newsletter blog. A newsletter directory. Hit Reply for Contact Information

marketplaces.fyi |$450 | Possible uses: An online marketplace platform. A marketplace blog or newsletter. A marketplaces directory. Hit Reply for Contact Information

Immersive Seat | $450 -brandable domain name. New

TrikeAdviser | Price: $1,000 | Lifetime Earnings: $80 - This is a steal. Won’t be listed long. Recommended Buy | New

TheWildHunter | Price: $1,800 Lifetime Earnings: $490 | **Price Drop, this won’t stay available for long at this price. New

AirsoftGarrison | Price: $1,600 | Lifetime Earnings: $852 | If you are in US, this may be a win for you as the affiliate you would use is US based. new

BeginnerFishTank | Price: $990 | Lifetime Earnings: $44 new

KitchenExplored | Price: $940 | Earned: $400 | 176 articles. Includes a Facebook Group(184 Followers) + Youtube channel(126 subs) New

SmartHouseWizard | Price: $1,640 | Earned: $176(last 4 months) - 61 Articles to date. New

WaterProofIdeas | Price: $872 | Earned: $423 | 121 articles with no published articles since 2023. This can be an easy win for anyone looking to start growing a niche site. Domain Name is 5+ years old New

Smart House Wizard - Price: $800 - Earned $176 to date and is in the smart home niche. Good revenue with over 61 articles. The owner just didn’t have time to post anymore.

Relativity | RV Marketplace

SampleWizard - $600 - Sample Anything on the internet

BookMark Manager Extension | $1000 | 57 customers. Good starter project. If you are a student can monetize by telling local students about it.

Online Groups For Emotional Support | Price: $2000 | Rev: $500 | 125 paying customers. From what we can tell this is an easy company to get your money back with a little promotion.

No Code Survey Builder - $2000 - No Rev, but not a bad price for a good tool.

Self Education Content - $1000 - Can scale this if you have a following on socials easily

Font Discoverbility Extension - $1000 - This one is great for any designer or someone who is into print on demand. It would be a perfect fit as this extension can determine what font is being used.

Random Emoji Generator - $816 - A Tool that gives you random emoji’s. Could be good for anyone who runs a content site.

PopHustles - $650 | A Weekly Side Hustle guide and deep dives. The current subscriber count is just over 640. Reply to this email if you are interested. This is now a steal at only $1 a sub.

Interested in building something like this and selling it one day? Here are our recommendations.

Blogs - Bluehost

Newsletter - Beehiiv

Next.js Boilerplates - Shipfa.st

LinkedIn/Twitter(X) - Typefully

Automation - Pin Generator

Marketplace Update:

I had to reduce the marketplace as it was taking up to much work/wasn’t getting any new submission. Now any user who submits will be added to this email instead of being added to the site. You can pay a small fee to stay listed more than 1 week but for anyone who wants to list it’s free for the 1 issue. Just fill out this form.

Until Next Week!


*You can assume that any links this newsletter shares can be affiliates. If you click on a link and sign up for something, I may earn a commission at no cost. 12